Japanese Listening Lessons


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Japanese Listening Lessons online.

Japanese Listening Lessons - Activities include multimedia, free MP3 files, vocab tasks, language notes, print page and more.

Video listening contents list

Time 01:07

No.008 Grandpa Hasama talks about volunteering.

Have you ever volunteered?

hiraganaromajivocabularytalk yourself

Time 00:38

No.007 Etsuko talks about her favorite passtime.

Do you know purikura?

hiraganaromajivocabularytalk yourself

Time 01:28

No.006 Shige talks about his family.

How many members does his family have? What does he do, and what does his family do?

hiraganaromajivocabularytalk yourself

Time 00:48

No.005 Daisuke's mother talks about her job.

What do you do? What does she do?

hiraganaromajivocabularytalk yourself

Time 00:55

No.004 Daisuke's mother talks about her pet.

Do you have a pet? What kind of pet? What pet does she have? Oh, it's pretty obvious... (><;

hiraganaromajivocabularytalk yourself

Time 00:47

No.003 Daisuke talks about Summer.

How do you spend summer in your country? What does Daisuke have in his hand?

hiraganaromajivocabularytalk yourself

Time 00:26

No.002 Daisuke talks about his family.

How many members does his family have? What does he do, and what does his family do?

hiraganaromajivocabularytalk yourself

Time 00:42

No.001 Daisuke talks about his homestay.

Where did he do a homestay? Does he like that country? What things make him happy?

hiraganaromajivocabularytalk yourself

Time 00:29

No.000 Shige lives in Beppu.

Shige lives in Beppu. What is Beppu famous for? What things does he like?

hiraganaromajivocabularytalk yourself


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